Beyond the mind

So when my friend asked me, “But how do you go beyond this?”
I stopped and realised that I had never tried to articulate what was it exactly that was helping me to go beyond my mind conditioning.
Suddenly a casual conversation with my friend became a point of realisation of the truth.
We were talking about one of the biggest and most common conditioning of a human mind: ‘You are not good enough and so you must earn an approval from someone/something outside of you’.
This conditioning manifests in various life situations for everyone. For some in abusive relationships, for some in repetitive challenges in job, multiple partner relationships with none being satisfactory, constant feeling of dis-satisfaction of one’s life, giving in to addictions,  Jealousy and instant hurt on other’s feedback, Not knowing clear directions for self-growth, people pleasing attitudes, self-sabotaging behaviours and the list goes on. You get the point!
The belief is so deep rooted inside our consciousness since eons that its manifestation with multiple other believes gives rise to a complete chaos in one’s life. Unconscious of this, the person believes that bad things are happening to him while he is merely a victim.
The truth is, the person himself has manifested the experience  due to his deep rooted belief which has turned into his current behaviour patterns.
Now the biggest question is, how do we go beyond this belief and free ourselves? How can someone unlearn or unbelieve something they know as real? Is it even possible? Ofcourse it is.

It’s a process and not a snap of your fingers, as our millennials would want it.
My beloved teacher, Jule Gaige, has always said, consciousness has taken lifetimes to come to the stage it is at this time, it will take time to change as well. Consciousness changes with persistence and commitment to self.
But if you have to ask, well at least give us a map of how do we get there? Then here it is. The process below was the one I first received from my teacher. With its subsequent use over years I could start unleashing the truth behind it. I have explained it here with my own understanding and experience.

Step 1: Become Aware
One of the first and most important step is to ‘Become Aware’ of your own behaviour patterns. It is to notice what triggers your reactions. And then observe and FEEL your reaction. Notice that I am asking you to feel your reaction and not reject or deny it or stop it forcefully.
What are you thinking/feeling in this situation? E.g. you lost a job and you are feeling defeated, a failure, rejection and sadness.
Thoughts triggered at that moment:  I feel rejected because I must not be a good enough individual to be able to do the job- that means I am a worthless being- that means I have no value.- All the people in my life are going to think I am a failure. How will I survive going further? Will I get a new job? What should I do?

Step 2: Finding the underlying belief
Then ask yourself: Why do you think you feel this way about the situation?
You will then receive an immediate response, which will be your belief /notion about how things are.
Dig deeper if you need, to find the root belief.

Taking our example above:
I feel rejected because I must not be a good enough individual to be able to do the job- I am not good enough
All the people in my life are going to think I am a failure. – My value/sustenance lies in others judgement of me
How will I survive going further? Will I get a new job? What should I do?- I am afraid of the unknown situation as I have learned to deal with only known situations . I do not have enough faith in myself to have the ability to survive.

Step3: Understanding the truth
When your deep underlying belief becomes evident to you, ask yourself if this is what you truly believe about yourself? Could this be the truth of life? Or is it just a belief that has been accepted by you. Remind yourself of the infinite potential that all beings have within them for love, power, creativity, joy, peace and abundance. Know yourself as the creator of your universe and take responsibility for your actions. With responsibility taken, you will also know that the power to change your universe also lies with you. You will know that the situation that you are present in currently is a manifestation of your old believes and the situation is present for only one reason. And that reason is to help you transcend your old believes and emerge as a new being!

Step4: Transformation
With the understanding of the truth, assert the truth with all your heart. Feel the energy of your old thoughts and believes transmute into the new understanding. Let all the negative energy transform into the unconditional love of your heart, for yourself, for others and everyone involved in the situation. Thank the people involved in the situation to help you come closer to the truth and for giving you an opportunity for transformation. Thank yourself for manifesting the situation for you to rise beyond it. Think of your happy memories and let the love and power in your heart spread all over you and beyond you!

The process above might need multiple repetitions every time you are faced with different situations or even same situations until all of your old energy is transmuted into your one true unconditional love and power of self.
It might be possible that you will instantly feel a sense of calm spread over you as you release the old believes. The clearing of the believes will create a new opening, a new way and possibly new solutions for the situations. The insight will hit you when you are least expecting it and just reveling in the love and joy. If you try to seek answers , the answers will evade you. Wanting something itself creates a lack energy within you. Instead cherish the moment of peace and love that overpowers on you and just be.
Always know that you will only create those problems in your life to which you already know the solutions. Have faith in your potentiality to limitlessness! All the best!


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