5, 6 ,7 ,8 and go....

I entered the dingy room without expectations and was instantly blown away in stupefaction! Swirling smoky air, flickering lights, thumping floor with high bass beats and beautiful people all around swaying to their best! I stood on the spot to take in everything. Glamour was oozing out from every corner. Shimmering costumes, high heeled boots, coloured shorts and short Tees, smart dresses and long earrings, cool denims and white shoes. Faces painted with red lips, sparkling eyes and polished nails, long golden curls and short bob cuts, perfumed bodies mixed with sweat. The enigma of the place was mesmerizing to the senses but the energy that was being churned out here was one of a kind. Everyone seemed to be in a trance of their own dance and as they would get completely immersed in themselves, some unique styles were emerging out of them. As the DJ continued playing beautiful tracks one after the other, the noises and shouts in the crowd kept on booming the hal...