When I hugged a tree.....

On one sunny day, I was out for a walk, amidst the green treasure of this planet when a humongous tree took my breath away. Something in that tree pulled me closer towards it. There was nothing specifically different about the tree but a need arose in me to get up close to this tree and truly know what it is. At first, I was hesitant to touch the tree which seemed full of rough edges, enveloped in layers of soil and dirt; tiny life thriving inside the deep ridges of its bark and completely utter nonsensical I would look if someone saw what I was doing. But the idea of knowing that tree overpowered my hesitance. Somehow, I just had to do it. I then started stepping closer to the tree and looked up at its great spread up in the blue sky. The tree was looking back at me in encouragement as if nudging a small child to take her baby step. The expanse of that tree was so vast that it covered a diameter of around 5 meters around me, sheltering me in its shade like a big grandfather...