Love...beyond the limits

Unconditional Love…… Nothing more or nothing less can be said about this word. Whatever definition you put forth for this term, limits its meaning, its essence. It is simply what exists as truth of us all. The base of who we are and everything that we have created is within it. ‘Unconditional Love’ is the atmosphere in which we live, so we can’t see it or perceive it but that’s what holds everything. Its what energies us , its what gives us slight nudges and pushes in the right direction. However, what we see is everything inside this atmosphere and not the atmosphere itself. So, we forget that it exists. We forget that we came from it and we are it. We all have experienced ‘Love’ many times. And interesting part is, we have also experienced ‘Hate’, which is opposite of Love. The only reason for this duality is because the Love that we experience is not unconditional. It is based on certain conditions and when those conditions are broken we experience hate. But what if, th...