Twinkle twinkle little star!

“Oh F***!”,  I exclaimed as I saw Sandra Bullock drift apart from her space station into an ever expanding, everlasting, unbounded universe! I was obviously watching ‘Gravity 3D’.

What do you do if you are ever stuck in such a situation? Not a simplest clue.

Even with the latest cutting edge technology that Man has ever garnered in all these years or with the ability to travel to Moon, Mars or any planet you name, we are still completely helpless if we are ever lost in space. Left to the mercy of asteroids, space debris, light rays, gravity and electromagnetic radiations! Left on the mercy of something, we have no idea about. And then not to forget, there is this newcomer called ‘Dark Matter’ which will also be present to greet us without revealing any knowledge about it.

When we define natural world, should this only limit of our planet or even beyond it? The way life is supported and encouraged on our planet by the so called ‘Nature’, why is it not supported in space or anywhere else? It looks like, humans are supposed to limit their existence to only a very small part of this enormous universe. Stay in your limits!

Well, but Man has never obeyed any rules and never will. He always likes to bend, expand and stretch the rules to satisfy his curiosity. And just the way Moon or Mars were out of Limits for so many years, it is slowly becoming part of our normal lives.

Still the awe around this Universe is constant. It’s mysterious milky ways, multicolour galaxies and bright shining new born stars still make us wonder, What is all this about? Where are we? Why are we? Every concept of general knowledge or every law of Physics or gravity that we follow on our planet is bended, changed or almost inapplicable in this universe? This does throws a light on a very important aspect of our knowledge. -  Relativity.

How far is far? And how big is big? And How long is long.  Everything is relative. We are so big compared to the microorganisms and so damn small compared to the planets or the stars. My house is so near to the shopping mall but so far away from Antarctica. And similarly I might think I live in a stationary house in my town but I am actually continuously revolving around myself and then around sun and then inside the galaxies! So where do I really live?

Just like the ant who is living inside an ant- hill of clay is unaware of geography of land and oceans of this planet, we are completely clueless of the geography of the universe. The debate starts right from whether it has a start point to start with.

Every time I sleep on a terrace back home on a hot summer night, I linger over the tinkling stars in the dark sky as long as possible. Although, I am like the millionth fraction of that star, I can still see it every day from so so far away. I meet the star and it blinks back at me, always there to greet me. I can’t see the Empire state building or the Eiffel tower even if they are so near to me (relatively), but I can see the star! The star which is thousands of light years away. It feels to me that the universe is designed in such a way that anybody on any planet can always see the universe surrounding them, which is loaded with stars and planets and what not. It is so easy to spot them.

Perhaps, we were meant to spot them, observe them and follow them. Follow the path that might lead us to finding out the truth behind this entire master plan!


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